Join us

If you are keen to be challenged; you share our belief in the power of teams; and you are excited about opportunities to learn and grow in your specialist field, we could be right for each other. Please click here for all current vacancies and to submit your application online.

Even if no current vacancy matches the skills and experience you can bring, we always welcome speculative applications from talented individuals keen to join our dynamic and international teams. Please submit your application documents (CV and cover letter) here.

What are we looking for:

In addition to the right technical skills and professional experience, we are looking for people who have the personal attributes needed to thrive at LALIVE and. These include:

  • The desire to listen, learn, and constantly improve.
  • Curiosity and openness to new ideas and diverse opinions.
  • A team-player with empathy and humility.
  • Ability to build trust and develop relationships with colleagues and clients.
  • Commitment to fulfilling your potential, and LALIVE’s.
  • Proactivity, dynamism, resilience and accountability.

For any questions please email:

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