News | 05 March 2024

The role of business lawyers in promoting respect for human rights by businesses

The role of business lawyers in promoting respect for human rights by businesses

On 4 March 2024, LALIVE hosted the Zurich BHRLA launch event with more than 20 attendees from companies and law firms. After an opening address and introduction to the BHRLA and its initiatives by Daniel Lucien Bühr, Partner at LALIVE, a panel with Antonio Hautle, Executive Director of the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Prof. Kern Alexander, Chair of the Faculty for Law and Finance at the University of Zurich, and Christoph von Toggenburg, Group Head of Human Rights and Social Impact at Holcim, addressed the challenges of putting Business and Human Rights policies into practice.

The lively panel was moderated by Simone Nadelhofer, Partner at LALIVE. The panellists outlined the activities of the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland and Liechtenstein (Antonio Hautle), in particular the best practice events, the role of the financial institutions in protecting human rights and strategies and practical examples of Holcim’s human rights engagment. Matthias Gstoehl, Partner at LALIVE, closed the event with an eloquent summary of the statements made by the panellists and attendees.

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