Online privacy policy



References in this Policy to the “firm”, “we”, “our”, “us” or “LALIVE” are references to LALIVE SA (IUD: CHE-482.506.012), a Swiss limited company (“Aktiengesellschaft”/“Société anonyme”;), and its related entity, LALIVE (London) LLP, a UK limited liability partnership regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA no. 648533).

This Website Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes the manner in which we control and process personal data that we collect in the course of our professional activities. It also sets out the rights of those whose data we collect, as well as a consent agreement by them to our collection, control and processing of their personal data.

For the purpose of this Policy, references to “you” are to all those persons whose data we collect, control and process in the course of our professional activities and “your data” is a reference to such personal data belonging or relating to

This Policy informs you about the use of cookies and other similar tracking technologies when you visit the (“Website”), view a message, receive an email from us or use our social media pages. This Policy should be read in conjunction with our Data Protection Policy.


What are cookies

Cookies and other similar tracking technologies are small text files or code placed on your device (e.g., computer, smartphone or another electronic device) when you use the Website or view a message. Cookies allow a website to recognise a particular device.

Our use of cookies

We use cookies and other similar tracking technologies on the Website and in our marketing emails. These help us recognise you and your device and store some information about your preferences or past actions.

Cookies serve many functions, but in general we use cookies to:

  • recognise you whenever you visit the Website (this speeds up your access to the Website as you do not have to log in each time);
  • obtain information about your preferences and use of the Website;
  • carry out research and statistical analysis to help improve our content and services and to help us better understand our users’ requirements; and
  • make your online experience more efficient and enjoyable.

We may use the following cookies:

Strictly necessary cookies: These are cookies that are necessary for the operation of the Website. They include, for example, cookies that remember if you have consented to other (non-strictly necessary) cookies.

Analytical or performance cookies: These allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the Website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way the Website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.

Functionality cookies: These are used to recognise you when you return to the Website. This enables us to personalise our content for you and remember your preferences.

Marketing cookies: These cookies record your visit to the Website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make the Website and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose.

Cookie table

You can find more information about the individual cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them in the table below:

Cookie Name Cookie Type Party Purpose Expiry
_ga Performance cookies First party Used to distinguish users and calculate visitor, session, and campaign data for the site’s analytics reports. 2 years
_gid Performance cookies First party Stores and updates a unique value for each page visited to distinguish users and track visitor behaviour on the site. 24 hours
_gat_gtag Performance cookies First party Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate and limit data collection on high traffic sites. 1 minute

Managing your cookies

By accepting our cookie notice and continuing to use the Website without changing your settings, you consent to our use of cookies as described above. Cookies can be disabled by changing the settings on your browser. If you do decide to disable cookies, you may not be able to access some areas of the Website.



The use of the Website (including the newsletter and other digital offers) generates data which is stored in log files (in particular technical data). In addition, as explained above, we may use cookies and similar techniques (e.g., pixel tags or browser fingerprints).

We also use social media plug-ins, e.g., small software modules that establish a link between your visit to our Website and a third-party supplier. The social media plug-in tells the third-party provider that you have visited our Website and may send the third-party provider cookies that it has previously placed on your browser.

We also use our own tools and the services of third-party service providers on our site, in particular to improve the functionality or content of our Website (e.g., integration of videos or maps), to compile statistics and to serve advertising.

We may use anonymised, aggregated, statistical information for purposes that include testing our IT systems, research, data analysis, improving our Website and developing new products and features. We may also share such anonymised information with others.

Our Website is not intended for or directed at children under the age of 16 years, and we do not knowingly collect data relating to children under this age.


We may use cookie and tracking technology in some of our emails to see whether emails are opened, replied to or forwarded and whether links are followed. Cookie and tracking technology is used in the following ways:

  • tracking gif – each email contains a tiny unique graphic or “pixel” that tracks whether the email is opened. The graphic does not contain any personal information.
  • cookie tracking – links within our email updates are unique to the recipient. When a link is clicked on, a session cookie will record the recipient’s visit to the destination page. The session cookie will be deleted when the recipient closes their browser or leaves the destination page.

The use of cookie and tracking technology helps us to improve the services we offer. If you no longer wish to receive marketing emails relating to our services by email or post, you can unsubscribe at any time by using the “Unsubscribe” option on the email footer or by contacting


We operate pages and other online presences on social networks (e.g., LinkedIn) and other platforms managed by third parties and process data about you in this context. In doing so, we receive data from you (e.g., when you contact our Website or comment on our content) and from the platforms (e.g., statistics).

The platform providers may analyse your use and process this data together with other information they have about you. They also process this data for their own purposes (e.g., for marketing and market research purposes and for the management of their platforms) and do so on their own responsibility. For further information on the processing carried out by the platform operators, please consult the data protection declarations of the platforms concerned.

We have the right, but not the obligation, to check third-party content before or after it is published on our online presence, to remove content without notice and, where appropriate, to report it to the provider of the platform concerned.


We have appointed a data privacy manager for our firm who is responsible for overseeing questions in relation to this Policy. If you have any questions about this Policy or our privacy practices, please contact our data privacy manager by email.

We keep our Online Privacy Policy under regular review and may change it from time to time. The version published on the Website is the current version.