News | 26 September 2017

Domitille Baizeau appointed to Terralex Executive Committee

LALIVE partner Domitille Baizeau has been appointed as one of the seven-member Executive Committee of Terralex, one of the world’s leading international legal networks with over 400 member firms and 19’000 lawyers involved. She was also reelected to the Board of Directors and continues to serve on the Steering Committee of the Women’s Global Group.

LALIVE has been a member of Terralex for over 15 years and is actively involved as its Swiss member, collaborating with member law firms worldwide on a number of cross-border mandates for clients. LALIVE partner Alexander Troller, who also represents the firm in Terralex, acts as co-chair of the Terralex Finance and Banking Practice Group whilst partner Sandrine Giroud is actively involved in the International Dispute Resolution Practice Group.

For further information on Terralex please see here.

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