Lawyer story

Adam El-Hakim

Adam El-Hakim

Name: Adam El-Hakim, Counsel, white-collar crime, Zurich

Nationality: Swiss, Egyptian

Languages spoken: German, English, Arabic, French

When did you join LALIVE? July 2019



Why did you join the firm?

Having started my legal career in the white-collar crime department at the Office of the Attorney General, I wanted to join a firm that would allow me to further specialise in white-collar crime and internal investigations. As a highly specialised litigation firm, with a strong reputation in providing first class advice in complex, multijurisdictional criminal law investigations, LALIVE was a natural choice.

How have you grown here?

Working alongside leading litigation experts, across multiple areas of dispute resolution, has rounded and improved my understanding of the issues at stake for clients – and ensures that I do not think in silos.

At LALIVE we advise all manner of clients (defendants, claimants, witnesses etc.) in criminal investigations. However, I have a particular interest and expertise in representing claimants and as a result have co-founded and co-chair the Private Claimants Network PCN (Netzwerk Privatklägerschaft NPK) an association for highly specialised practitioners representing claimants in criminal proceedings.

Can you share one of your highlights during your time here?

Obtaining a comprehensive acquittal on a long-running criminal proceedings matter, where our client (the defendant) had been subjected to mudslinging and gish-galloping strategies from the adverse party. The matter had been ongoing for over seven years – so to attain a comprehensive acquittal was a significant victory and testament to the professionalism and determination of the team.

How would you describe the LALIVE culture and environment?

Cosmopolitan, young, diverse, dynamic and very ambitious – there is no room for hierarchical power games here.

What role do you play outside your main responsibilities?

We all recognise that lawyers (even the most senior and successful partners) start their career as a trainee. In Zurich, we have a committee: ComTrain which is responsible for recruiting and mentoring trainees. I am honoured to be a member of ComTrain and to counsel and support trainees at the beginning of their career and guide them through daily challenges.




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