Modern slavery & human trafficking statement


LALIVE is an international legal practice comprising: LALIVE SA (IUD: CHE-482.506.012), a Swiss limited company (“Aktiengesellschaft”/“Société anonyme”), and its related entity, LALIVE (London) LLP, a UK limited liability partnership regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA no. 648533). This Statement sets out our ongoing commitment as a responsible business to combat modern slavery, child labour, and human trafficking.

1.1  About us

We are a disputes-focused practice, providing legal advice to companies, governments, international organisations and private clients.

We are committed to conduct our business in accordance with our core ethical values of integrity, transparency, and accountability. Accordingly, we take the issue of modern slavery, child labour and human trafficking seriously and are committed to ensuring that unfair working practices have no place in our business, nor in any of the businesses we engage with.

1.2  Supply chain relationships

We are committed to ensuring no modern slavery, child labour, or human trafficking is present in our supply chains or any other aspect of our day-to-day operations. We expect our suppliers to uphold professional standards and to meet all their obligations under the applicable laws and regulations.

Having considered our supply chains we have concluded that they are low risk in relation to modern slavery, child labour, and human trafficking.

1.3  Risk assessment and due diligence

Our Executive Committee and Business Support teams are responsible for engaging with external suppliers and for procuring services and goods on behalf of our firm. In all such engagements, issues such as corporate and social responsibility are considered and verified (on a risk-based approach) in order to ensure that no modern slavery, child labour or human trafficking is present in our supply chains.

1.4  External awareness and support

We are signatories to the United Nations Global Compact. This commitment includes our support of the Ten Principles of the Compact, which covers human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. It also includes promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals, of which Target 8.7 (under SDG8 – Decent work and economic growth) explicitly addresses forced labour, modern slavery, and human trafficking. For further information please refer to the Responsible Business section of our website.

We are one of the founding members of the Business and Human Rights Lawyers Association (BHRLA), with the objective of advancing business and human rights leadership, learning, collaboration and practice among commercial law firms and business lawyers.

1.5  Internal awareness

Our Code of Ethics and Conduct specifically refers all employees to this Statement and requires them to report any known or suspected non-compliance with this Statement to our Executive Committee and/or the Compliance Function.

The Code of Ethics and Conduct is reviewed periodically and referred to in our regular compliance training for all employees. In the training, we aim to foster an open environment for reporting and to increase awareness across the firm of issues pertaining to modern slavery, child labour, and human trafficking, with specific reference in our LALIVE (London) LLP compliance training to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK).

As of the date of this Statement we have not received any reports of any non-compliance with this Statement.

1.6  Formalities

This Statement constitutes our modern slavery and human trafficking statement for 2025 pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK).

A copy of our Modern Slavery Statement is published on our website.

This statement has been approved by the Managing Partner of LALIVE SA on behalf of the Partners and LALIVE (London) LLP.

3 March 2025