Gabriela specialises in in white-collar crime, asset recovery, international mutual legal assistance, internal investigations, and compliance, in particular regarding anti-corruption, anti-money laundering and ESG matters. In addition to advising and representing clients in matters before the prosecution authorities and the courts, her practice also includes advising clients on the prevention of criminal liability.

Prior to joining LALIVE, Gabriela worked as a prosecutor and specialised in white-collar crime with a focus on cases involving cross-border fraud, money laundering, bankruptcy fraud, asset recovery and cybercrime. In this role, she regularly led criminal proceedings, brought charges, and appeared before the courts. Her experience also includes areas of general criminal law, including property offences, breaches of privacy and secrecy as well as defamation.

Recent publications

Das Anwaltsgeheimnis bei internen Untersuchungen im Strafverfahren
In: Economic Crime Blog, University of Lucerne, May 2022

Recent conferences

Brush-up Kryptowerte: DLT/Blockchain und Vermögensstrafrecht
University of Basel, 21 September 2023

Current memberships

  • Member of the Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
  • Member of the Swiss Bar Association (SAV/FSA)
  • Member of the Women’s White Collar Defense Association (WWCDA)
  • Member of the Criminalistic Society of Switzerland (SKG/SSDP)

Career history

  • Senior Associate, LALIVE, Zurich, 2024 – present
  • Associate, LALIVE, Zurich, 2022 – 2023
  • Prosecutor, Lucerne, 2002 – 2021
  • Clerk, Prosecutor’s Office, Lucerne, 1999 – 2001
  • Trainee, Anwaltsbüro Martin Koller, Lucerne, 1998
  • Trainee, District Court of Lucerne, 1997

Academic qualifications

  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Finance and Accounting, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, 2017
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Business Criminal Law, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, 2016
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Forensic Science, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, 2005
  • Licentiate of Law ( iur.), University of Zurich, 1997


  • Asset Recovery & Insolvency
  • Investigations, Regulatory & Compliance
  • White Collar Crime


  • Banking & Finance


  • English
  • German


  • Swiss


  • Switzerland, 2000